I discovered that one of the students here in school has a very "unique" talent. He can fold his ears into two, making him look like an elf. I was so ecstatic that I kept on bugging him to do it. Luckily, Nathan likes doing it so he always does it for me.
Being very curious about his ears, I carefully studied them this morning. I thought that the reason why he can fold his ears was because they were very soft. But when I touched them, they were not soft at all but neither were they very hard. His ears were very malleable. They were kinda bendy so that when he folds them, one side just sort of sticks to the other side. It's just looks so funny, so hilarious!
God wants us to be pliable, malleable just like Nathan's ears. He is the potter, we are the clay. He constantly moulds us so that we can be closer to becoming more and more like Him. Let us not be weary of afflictions as they are all part of God's moulding process.
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