Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Celebration 2007

(Sam's borrowed halo covering my face... Vanessa wondering if Sam's going to bring home her halo)
Mawar Sharon celebrated Christmas as a spiritual family at Jatimexpo this morning. The theme for this year is Damai di Surga, Damai di Bumi (Peace in Heaven, Peace on Earth). It was a wonderful time of praising and worshipping God. As a church, they tried to bring 'light' all over Surabaya by serving the different sectors of the city. It was a touching moment watching the video clip of the month-long activity.
God truly loves Indonesia. This nation will soon be a nation God-worshippers! I am excited to see every Indonesian bowing down to the only God there is, the one true God who created heaven and earth.
While in this morning's celebration, I somehow missed my own church in the Philippines. It was always a great time celebrating Christmas with my Victory family. I always thought that whenever the various churches gather together to celebrate, I get a foretaste of what it would be like in heaven. But then, heaven would be a thousands time better!
Thank you Father for the greatest gift of all! Jesus! Holy Spirit thank you for being with me always!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Faith like that of a child's!

A few days ago, i gave my students a review for their final test in the form of a game. I grouped them in 5's. Each of the members of the groups had to come to the front and answer a question. I warned the other children who were waiting for their turn to keep quiet 'coz any noise that they make will mean a point against their group.

All of the children wanted their groups to win so they followed the rule. But as typical of all young children, they began to feel restless so some of them started to talk to each other thus making noise. Automatically, I deducted points from their groups to show them that I was serious about the rule. Seeing this, they immediately stopped talking and tried to control themselves. But they were still wriggly, so I gave them the "look" (the look that says one more strike and you're out).

Not knowing what else to do, they started kneeling and praying for their friends. At first, I didn't know what they were doing. I was about to reprimand them for making a lot of noise, when I heard one child say, " Lord, please help my friend. Please help her answer the question correctly." I didn't know if I was going to laugh or cry.

For months, I've been talking about prayer and building a realtionship with God. At one point, I felt like I was talking to a bunch of statues. I wasn't sure if they understood all that I was telling them. But seeing them pray for their friends at a simple game like that made me realize that God's Word will always accomplish the work that it has been sent for. (Isaiah 55: 11)

It also dawned on me that if we could only have faith like that of child's, then life would be much simpler. That's the reason why God said in the Gospels that if we don't become like children, we will never be able to enter His
Kingdom. For children, faith is such a simple thing. Give everything to God - worries, problems, ambitions, plans, future- and He will take care of them.

Oh, that we would have faith like that of a child's!