Saturday, March 29, 2008

Humility in Service

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45
We had our Easter celebration yesterday and all the students prepared a short presentation. The Kindergarten 1 students presented a skit on Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. It got me thinking about the reason why I am in ministry. I was convicted because most of the time I serve people only because of want of recognition or praise, and not because of love.
A few weeks ago, while reflecting on my life, I realized that I am always eager to please people. I want people to praise me, whether it be from my family, friends, boss, colleagues, pastor, co-workers in the ministry, it's all the same. I want them to praise me for the things that I do. I feel important when I am needed. I draw my value from my achievements, from the approval of men. I am on a spiritual high whenever people are applauding my efforts.
But Jesus came to Earth to save us because He loved us. He didn't need the approval of men because He was secure in the Father's love. He served people because He loved them and not because He wanted them to like Him. That is what I'm trying to do now, learning to serve like Jesus. I have a long way to go but at least I'm trying . :-)

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