At the mention of the word “love”, our minds would immediately conjure up a myriad of images that show how we perceive this word. For a married couple, they may remember the day they committed to spend the rest of their lives together for better or for worse. A grandmother would remember the time when she held her first grandchild in her arms, while a teenager would be thinking of the boy that she has taken on a certain fancy. Love can mean a million different things to different people but ultimately love is God, and God is love.
Love is the very essence of God. To know God is to know His love. If we fail to understand that God will always be a God of love, then we miss the whole point of our existence - that is to reciprocate the love that He has given us freely. The Bible says, “we love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)
God loves us not because we do good things for Him or because we are nice people. He loves us because that is who He is. There will never be a time when he will stop loving us. It's just impossible for Him not to love us. He wouldn't be God if he stopped loving because that is His very essence. What is amazing about God is that He, the Almighty and powerful God, extends His hands towards us to draw us near to Him by making His love known to us. We don't reach out to Him, He reaches out to us. All we have to do is to accept what He is offering us – His love.
God's love is unchanging. It has been and will always be the same. No matter what we do it will still be as it is now. God's love is also powerful. It can bring people together, as well as bring healing, joy and peace in our lives. There is no corner in our lives that love cannot touch. Knowing this, we have no reason to fear. Understanding and accepting God's love means entering into His loving arms where all fear is cast out. (1 John 4:18) There is every reason for us to praise God because there is nothing or no one in this whole wide world that can shake us or bring us down if we have God's love in our hearts. So we can now say with firmness and conviction that “love is the answer” to everything that we're facing right now.