Have you ever felt like God was so far away? As if your prayers don't go past the ceiling? Does it seem like your dreams will just stay that way – just dreams? Have you resigned yourself to saying, “Que Sera, Sera. Whatever will be, will be?” as you feel like life is all about luck. Some are lucky, some are not – and only a few are lucky enough to belong to the first lot. If this is exactly how you feel, then here's good news for you: God has created you with a purpose and a great future. And there is indeed hope for you.
When God created the world, every thing was perfect. But because of sin, things became corrupted. The perfect world that God has created became full of lies, disappointments, pain, suffering, disillusionment, illnesses – all sorts of evil things. Man's image which was after God's own image became distorted. Man's relationship with Him became marred with filth. The world that God had created was now a far cry from His original design, and it's all because of sin.
It may look like things are utterly hopeless, as if there's nothing that can be done about our situation. But the truth is, God himself went out of his way to restore things for us, especially our relationship with Him. Two thousand years ago, He sent his only Son to bridge the gap between us and Him. Right now, he's stretching out his hands to us so he can take the broken pieces of our lives and put them back together. The invitation is always open. He's just waiting for us to accept it. But it's always our choice as he never forces himself on us.