Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Celebration 2007

(Sam's borrowed halo covering my face... Vanessa wondering if Sam's going to bring home her halo)
Mawar Sharon celebrated Christmas as a spiritual family at Jatimexpo this morning. The theme for this year is Damai di Surga, Damai di Bumi (Peace in Heaven, Peace on Earth). It was a wonderful time of praising and worshipping God. As a church, they tried to bring 'light' all over Surabaya by serving the different sectors of the city. It was a touching moment watching the video clip of the month-long activity.
God truly loves Indonesia. This nation will soon be a nation God-worshippers! I am excited to see every Indonesian bowing down to the only God there is, the one true God who created heaven and earth.
While in this morning's celebration, I somehow missed my own church in the Philippines. It was always a great time celebrating Christmas with my Victory family. I always thought that whenever the various churches gather together to celebrate, I get a foretaste of what it would be like in heaven. But then, heaven would be a thousands time better!
Thank you Father for the greatest gift of all! Jesus! Holy Spirit thank you for being with me always!
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Faith like that of a child's!

A few days ago, i gave my students a review for their final test in the form of a game. I grouped them in 5's. Each of the members of the groups had to come to the front and answer a question. I warned the other children who were waiting for their turn to keep quiet 'coz any noise that they make will mean a point against their group.

All of the children wanted their groups to win so they followed the rule. But as typical of all young children, they began to feel restless so some of them started to talk to each other thus making noise. Automatically, I deducted points from their groups to show them that I was serious about the rule. Seeing this, they immediately stopped talking and tried to control themselves. But they were still wriggly, so I gave them the "look" (the look that says one more strike and you're out).

Not knowing what else to do, they started kneeling and praying for their friends. At first, I didn't know what they were doing. I was about to reprimand them for making a lot of noise, when I heard one child say, " Lord, please help my friend. Please help her answer the question correctly." I didn't know if I was going to laugh or cry.

For months, I've been talking about prayer and building a realtionship with God. At one point, I felt like I was talking to a bunch of statues. I wasn't sure if they understood all that I was telling them. But seeing them pray for their friends at a simple game like that made me realize that God's Word will always accomplish the work that it has been sent for. (Isaiah 55: 11)

It also dawned on me that if we could only have faith like that of child's, then life would be much simpler. That's the reason why God said in the Gospels that if we don't become like children, we will never be able to enter His
Kingdom. For children, faith is such a simple thing. Give everything to God - worries, problems, ambitions, plans, future- and He will take care of them.

Oh, that we would have faith like that of a child's!

Monday, November 19, 2007

"The Button"

As I was folding up my laundry 2 weeks ago, I discovered that a button was missing from one of my blouses. I really felt really sad coz this particular blouse was a favourite. I just resigned myself to not being able to wear that blouse ever again.

A week after losing the button, I saw my friend and her child arguing about something outside my house. Apparently, my friend's child has a nasty habit of picking up small things from the road. This annoys my friend very much as her child has another nasty habit of putting her hands into her mouth. So when I saw them outside my house, they were arguing over something "green and small". I was just laughing it off coz I am used to this scene. But when I looked at the object of their debate, I felt my heart stop and beat faster than ever coz there in the middle of the street was my missing button! What are the odds of me finding the button? One in a million!!!!
The small green button has become so special for me. Whenever I see it, I am reminded that God is concerned not just of the major things in my life but also of the seemingly unimportant things. I just feel like God is hugging me and telling me that I am truly loved by Him.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Children: Our Greatest Resource and Our Future

(students in my school)

The students in my school have just been extra sweet this past few weeks. It just touches my heart when I hear them call my name while walking in the corridor or when they give me an extra-tight hug for nothing. As a teacher, I realize that I have an important role to play in helping my students become all that God wants them to be. Robert Coles, a professor at Harvard Medical school urges us to regard children as fellow human beings yet to be constricted and constrained the way that some of us have been as we have made the various compromises that are called growing up.

Children are just like us in every way. Every time I get the chance to observe them, I see that I am just like them, just bigger. As Prof Coles puts it, they are "human beings struggling to figure out what this world means." The job that God has entrusted me is such a tremendous privilege. I get to teach the future leaders of the world. But it's also a great responsibility as I have to be careful with the things that I impart to them. I need to be an example.

I couldn't imagine myself doing something else. I never dreamed of becoming a teacher. But here I am, working as a teacher. Teaching is much more than just a profession. It is a lifelong calling that enriches me and draws me closer to the One who created me. I know that I cannot give what I don't have so I have to consciously make the decision to grow more intimate with God. So what comes out of me is just an overflow of God's love for me.

My desire is to be the best teacher that I could ever be. I want to impact the lives of many children who will one day be the leaders of this world. Oh what an exciting thought it is, to know that I may be shaping the hearts and minds of future presidents, scientists, business magnates or even future superstars. ;-)

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Today is the start of my 2-week vacation (Hari Raya Holiday). How exciting! Looking forward to resting and resting and resting ... Funny 'though how my body knows that it's already time for vacation. The moment i finished school yesterday I felt sick, like I had a headache. But I prayed that I would not be sick. I don't want to be sick. I want to enjoy my vacation. I don't want to spend my vacation in bed.

Thank God! When I woke up this morning, I was feeling better. I had quite a morning! I spent it moving my things to my new place. Yes, I'm moving to a new house (for the 'nth time). Hahaha. I enjoyed cleaning the floors and walls. I just have to unpack my things... It would take me quite some time 'though 'coz I have tons of stuff. Well, there's no rush! I have 2 weeks!

Yipee! It's rest for me for 2 weeks!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy! I'm Happy!

One of the teachers that I work with came up to me this morning and said, "You look different today, you look happy!" Trying to keep my cool, I calmly responded, "Really?" Deep down inside me, I was ecstatic. I didn't think that anyone would notice that God was doing something inside my heart and it was causing all this excitement. . . this "happiness".

The word "happy" is a term that we commonly use in our everyday language. We see a child smile and we say, "the child is happy." When we meet somebody whom we haven't seen in a long time, we say, "I'm happy to see you". Almost all greetings that we have for special celebrations would have happy in them... Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Thanksgiving...

What does the word happy exactly mean? Webster defines the word "happy" as favored by luck or fortune. It also defines it as notably fitting, effective or well-adapted. But it is this last definition of "happy" that I think would be most fitting to describe what God is doing in my life... Being happy is enjoying or characterized by well-being or contentment.

A few days ago, I made a commitment to consistently choose to be happy no matter what. I must say that it has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Not only do I get to have this "smiley" on my face all throughout the day but I get to be a blessing to many. I didn't expect my co-teacher to notice that I was happy but it just seems to overflow. It's something that I could not contain, it doesn't wanna stay inside me. It has to be let out...to be shared.

The "happiness" that I have inside me stems out of the knowledge that I am in Gods hands. Everything is in His hands. I don't have to worry. I just have to trust. The moment I made the decision to be happy, everything just seemed to changed. Things look brighter... my future looks brighter. Now, I can rest, be still and stay "happy"!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm Back!

I haven't written any blog in the last 4 months. But I'm back! I just feel inspired to keep on writing...

I'm happy. Just so happy! God is doing a lot of things in my life. I'm so stubborn a lot of times but God is very patient with me. He doesn't give up! Yes, He doesn't give up. He just doesn't wanna let me go. I just love Him... I love Him coz He loved me first. His love is amazing. Soooo amazing!!!!

Yes, God loves me, of this I'm sure. Yipeeeee!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Rest! Rest! Rest!

After 10 weeks of work, now I have time to just rest and relax. This week is our term break so I can pretty much do whatever I want. There's so much free time in my hands that I don't know what to do first.

Of course, I am excited to spend time with God. Ever since term 3 started in January, it was all rush, rush, rush. There was never enough time to just wait upon God and just be still in His presence. Now, I have a whole week all to myself. I will do exactly just that. Just fellowship with Him. Just spend time with Him.

But then I also have to do some serious cleaning. Over the past 4 years here in Indonesia, I have acquired so much stuff that I really have to throw some of them. Some of my friends call me "basurera" (trash-keeper). It seems so hard for me to throw stuff because I always think that I might need them in the future. I still have some receipts for bills paid in 2003... Some wrappers of presents given to me in Christmas of 2004... I have tons of plastic bags of all sizes--small, medium, large, even extra large! Lord, give me the grace to really be able to clean up all the trash. I need wisom and discernment! Hahaha!

Speaking of "cleaning up the trash", I also have a lot of reflecting to do. I need to ask God to reveal to me the things that He wants me to "throw away". I know that in order for me to be able to love Him fully and serve Him effectively, I have to let go of a lot of things in my life and to do some "soul-cleaning".

Thank you, Lord. I know that this will be a wonderful week. Let me see Your face God. I long to know You more. May my life be in tune to Your will. I just long to be Your greatest lover. Teach me to wait upon You.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Mysterious and Miraculous!

Last night, I attended a seminar entitled "Business Breakthrough". The speaker was Pastor Philip Mantofa. I expected to listen to a set of theories on how to be a good business person. But I was in for a surprise. What Pastor Philip taught in the seminar was not just applicable for business people but for all of God's children.

The seminar started with a praise and worship time that was truly amazing. I could really sense the Holy Spirit touching the hearts of everyone in the room. As we were singing "Hallelujah", I could sense the Holy Spirit just urging me to bask in His presence. It was hard to concentrate at first because I had a really tiring day. The events of the day kept on flashing in my mind. But as I started to sing, I just can't help but be amazed at the glorious presence of God. Pastor Philip ended the praise and worship time with a prayer asking God to just fill us with wisdom.

The teaching (or "preaching") was based on 1 Samuel 13, 14 and 15. Pastor Philip started by saying that God's ways are always mysterious and miraculous. He just said it in a matter-of-fact way but it struck me really hard. It's true, God's ways are indeed mysterious and miraculous. There are many events in the Bible that can prove this true. The feeding of the 5 thousand, the finding of the 2 gold coins in the mouth of the fish and the changing of the water into wine would just be a few of the many events in the Bible that can be considered "mysterious and miraculous".

Why then are God's ways mysterious and miraculous?

His ways are mysterious to live room for us to exercise our faith. If life would be just like listening to the weather forecast in the tv every morning, we wouldn't need to have faith anymore. Then, there's no room for us to grow in our intimacy with Him and there's no chance for our characters to be moulded.

His ways are miraculous because that's just how He is, miraculous! He is the creator of all that there is. His power is so great. His mind is too wonderful for us to fathom.(Is. 55:8-9) So He just can't help it if everything that he does is "miraculous".

As I left the seminar room last night, I just felt recharged in my faith. I know that I have to be on fire for God always. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. I just want to be on fire for Him!!! I want to be as intimate as I can with Him.

Lord, help me to seek You, not the blessings. I pray that in all that I do I will please you and that my motives will always glorify You. Amen.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Ready to be Shaped

(Is that you, Legolas? Nathan, doing his elf-like look.)

I discovered that one of the students here in school has a very "unique" talent. He can fold his ears into two, making him look like an elf. I was so ecstatic that I kept on bugging him to do it. Luckily, Nathan likes doing it so he always does it for me.

Being very curious about his ears, I carefully studied them this morning. I thought that the reason why he can fold his ears was because they were very soft. But when I touched them, they were not soft at all but neither were they very hard. His ears were very malleable. They were kinda bendy so that when he folds them, one side just sort of sticks to the other side. It's just looks so funny, so hilarious!
God wants us to be pliable, malleable just like Nathan's ears. He is the potter, we are the clay. He constantly moulds us so that we can be closer to becoming more and more like Him. Let us not be weary of afflictions as they are all part of God's moulding process.

13 Gods in Heaven

(Kevin and Jason)
"Never underestimate the faith of children." This is one lesson that I learned recently. A week ago, I was having snack time with my students when suddenly Jason asked me a very strange question, "Miss, are there really 13 gods in heaven?". I didn't have any clue to what he meant so I asked him to explain his question. So he reminded me about the time when I told them the Christmas story.
A day before our school's Christmas celebration, I felt a deep prompting in my heart to share the gospel to my students. I wanted them to celebrate Christmas with an understanding of the reason why we celebrate the seasomn. As I was starting to tell them about Jesus, I felt like I was supposed to give them a brief summary of the whole Bible. So, I started with the creation of the Earth, and the creation of Adam and Eve. I ended my story with the Resurrection of Jesus. It was so hard to just tell them the story of Christmas. It was so much fun telling them all those stories in the Bible. After telling them the story, I "forced" them to fold their hands and close their eyes and pray the Salvation Prayer with me. So all 13 of my students prayed with me. Then, I told them that Jesus was now in their hearts. I said this without any conviction in my heart because I didn't really think that they could be sincere in their prayer at this age. I knew that they only wanted to please me so they were "forced" to do what I told them to. After praying with them, I put the whole thing to the back of my mind. I was relieved because finally, I was done with the job of sharing the gospel to them. For me, my job was to just plant a seed in their hearts. I didn't really expect them to understand and accept all that I said now. After all, they're still 6 years old. I know that one day, when they're already big enough to understand, God's going to cause the seed of His Word grow.
God had to rebuke me for my lack of faith. I shared the gospel without expecting anything to happen. But as Jason explained to me this, "Didn't we pray in December for Jesus to come into our hearts? So there must be 13 gods in heaven because all of us prayed and asked him to come into our hearts?", I was stunned in disbelief. It was an eye opener for me and a rebuke at the same time. The children were indeed serious in their prayer and they really expected God to come into their hearts. I was the one who had no faith.
I've learned 2 things from this experience:
1. We can learn a lot from children. Their lives are so simple. Everything for them is simple. But they have such great faith. For them, God is so reliable that they know that if God says He will do something then they will believe that He will. We have so much to learn from the "little ones".
2. God's Word will never go back to Him empty. (Isaiah 55) Whenever, we share the gospel we shouldn't feel bad if we don't see any result. In the heavenlies, something grand is happening. We should then be faithful in declaring God's word wherever we go because our efforts will never be in vain.
After getting over my surprise, shock and disbelief, Jason continued to barrage me with more questions. I explained about God's power and how He can be in many places at one time. Since our snack time was coming to an end, I didn't have much time to answer all their questions. So I just told everybody in my class that someday we will all go to heaven and see God. Then we can ask Him all the questions that we have in our mind. After saying all these, one student just piped in and said, "When?". I just looked at him and laughed and said, "Only God knows."

Love Notes on Valentine's Day

I was going through my stuff, when I saw the all the notes that I got from my students on Valentine's Day this year. I just felt so giddy with joy. I think that it would really be wonderful to have kids of my own and get "love notes' from them everyday.

I am just so excited to having kids of my own coz I wanna bring them up to be the "best" kids ever. I will make them to be the smartest, kindest and godliest kids that ever walked this earth. Hahaha. Being a parent entails a lot of responsibilities. One has to make sure that children are brought up in an environment that will cause them to love God first and foremost. They also have to be given opportunities to develop their God-given potentials. Seems like a lot of work...But I think having children would also be the most fulfilling "job" one could ever have. Just imagine all the hugs and kisses that you could get...All those "i love you's"....Wow, I just can't wait...

But until then, I would just have to be content with the 200+ kids that I have in my life now. What a perfect way to practice motherhood. :-)

God is Good!

God is good! Today is a happy day! I will see God's great plans continue to unfold in my life. I am excited for what God is going to do in my life today, tomorrow and the days to come. Afflictions may come but God will always deliver me from them all. (Ps. 34:19)

I will always choose to be joyful no matter how hard it may be. Because I am certain that my future is secure. His plans are to prosper me, to give me a hope and a future!(Jer. 29:11) When I feel hopeless and down, I remember this song and sing it to lift my spirits:

My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without hope
Not when my future is with you.

My life is in your hands
And though I may not see clearly,
I will lift my voice and sing
For your love does amazing things.
Lord, I know, my life is in your hands.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's A Simple Life!

Today, the whole of Primary went on an excursion. The children were all excited the day before. This would be the first time that they would all go on a trip together. We left school at 9 pm with the energy level soaring really high.

The kids were divided into 5 teams. At the start of the activity, the teams were required to do a cheerleading number. (One boy did a split. Amazing!) Then, there was an icebreaker activity where they were required to form a big circle and give their friends a massage. (Whoa, I would have really loved to have been part of the "massage" thing.)

The next part of the activity was a treasure hunt, followed by a "Squeezing" Relay. One person had to dip a sponge into the swimming pool and pass it to others in the line. Then, they have to squeeze the sponge by seating on it to fill a small bucket placed under their chairs. The relay was really fun. The kids all looked cute! They didn't care how they looked like as long as they win.
Sometimes I really wish that I was still a kid. No worries in life, no image to think about, no pressure, no stress. This is what life is all about. Living a simple life...But as we grow older, we "learn" to create imaginary problems, to push ourselves to the limits, and to stress our ourselves by worrying too much. These really complicates life. We start to "not" to enjoy life.
If only we could learn to be like a child again, and start to just enjoy everything that God sets before us. I know that I have to learn to trust GOD fully and just be secure in the thought that my future is in His hands. Only then, will I be able to enjoy life as the children do! Indeed, life is simple!
(Kezia, the kikay sponge squeezer)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hi! It's been so long since I wanted to start on doing my blogspot but I really didn't have the time. Finally, I get to work on it now. I am so excited. There's so many things to share. God is doing so many things in my life...

Lately, I've been feeling like a schoolgirl having her first "crush". Hahaha... I feel giddy everytime I think of God's love for me. It's nice to be loved. The Father loves me. He knows everything about me and yet He loves me.

I am excited to seek Him more and be intimate with Him. If only I could spend more time with Him. I have to discipline myself to be still in His presence... Learn to just enjoy fellowshipping with Him.

This is the year of seeing all of God's promises starting to happen in my life... I have to let go of the past so that I can move on to the next level. God has a great plan for me. I have a great future...

It's wonderful to be a child of God!!!! He loves me! O what joy it is to know that He knows every detail of my life...and that my future is in His hands!

Thanks for reading my ramblings....