Friday, March 30, 2007
Mysterious and Miraculous!
The seminar started with a praise and worship time that was truly amazing. I could really sense the Holy Spirit touching the hearts of everyone in the room. As we were singing "Hallelujah", I could sense the Holy Spirit just urging me to bask in His presence. It was hard to concentrate at first because I had a really tiring day. The events of the day kept on flashing in my mind. But as I started to sing, I just can't help but be amazed at the glorious presence of God. Pastor Philip ended the praise and worship time with a prayer asking God to just fill us with wisdom.
The teaching (or "preaching") was based on 1 Samuel 13, 14 and 15. Pastor Philip started by saying that God's ways are always mysterious and miraculous. He just said it in a matter-of-fact way but it struck me really hard. It's true, God's ways are indeed mysterious and miraculous. There are many events in the Bible that can prove this true. The feeding of the 5 thousand, the finding of the 2 gold coins in the mouth of the fish and the changing of the water into wine would just be a few of the many events in the Bible that can be considered "mysterious and miraculous".
Why then are God's ways mysterious and miraculous?
His ways are mysterious to live room for us to exercise our faith. If life would be just like listening to the weather forecast in the tv every morning, we wouldn't need to have faith anymore. Then, there's no room for us to grow in our intimacy with Him and there's no chance for our characters to be moulded.
His ways are miraculous because that's just how He is, miraculous! He is the creator of all that there is. His power is so great. His mind is too wonderful for us to fathom.(Is. 55:8-9) So He just can't help it if everything that he does is "miraculous".
As I left the seminar room last night, I just felt recharged in my faith. I know that I have to be on fire for God always. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. I just want to be on fire for Him!!! I want to be as intimate as I can with Him.
Lord, help me to seek You, not the blessings. I pray that in all that I do I will please you and that my motives will always glorify You. Amen.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Ready to be Shaped

13 Gods in Heaven

A day before our school's Christmas celebration, I felt a deep prompting in my heart to share the gospel to my students. I wanted them to celebrate Christmas with an understanding of the reason why we celebrate the seasomn. As I was starting to tell them about Jesus, I felt like I was supposed to give them a brief summary of the whole Bible. So, I started with the creation of the Earth, and the creation of Adam and Eve. I ended my story with the Resurrection of Jesus. It was so hard to just tell them the story of Christmas. It was so much fun telling them all those stories in the Bible. After telling them the story, I "forced" them to fold their hands and close their eyes and pray the Salvation Prayer with me. So all 13 of my students prayed with me. Then, I told them that Jesus was now in their hearts. I said this without any conviction in my heart because I didn't really think that they could be sincere in their prayer at this age. I knew that they only wanted to please me so they were "forced" to do what I told them to. After praying with them, I put the whole thing to the back of my mind. I was relieved because finally, I was done with the job of sharing the gospel to them. For me, my job was to just plant a seed in their hearts. I didn't really expect them to understand and accept all that I said now. After all, they're still 6 years old. I know that one day, when they're already big enough to understand, God's going to cause the seed of His Word grow.
God had to rebuke me for my lack of faith. I shared the gospel without expecting anything to happen. But as Jason explained to me this, "Didn't we pray in December for Jesus to come into our hearts? So there must be 13 gods in heaven because all of us prayed and asked him to come into our hearts?", I was stunned in disbelief. It was an eye opener for me and a rebuke at the same time. The children were indeed serious in their prayer and they really expected God to come into their hearts. I was the one who had no faith.
I've learned 2 things from this experience:
1. We can learn a lot from children. Their lives are so simple. Everything for them is simple. But they have such great faith. For them, God is so reliable that they know that if God says He will do something then they will believe that He will. We have so much to learn from the "little ones".
2. God's Word will never go back to Him empty. (Isaiah 55) Whenever, we share the gospel we shouldn't feel bad if we don't see any result. In the heavenlies, something grand is happening. We should then be faithful in declaring God's word wherever we go because our efforts will never be in vain.
After getting over my surprise, shock and disbelief, Jason continued to barrage me with more questions. I explained about God's power and how He can be in many places at one time. Since our snack time was coming to an end, I didn't have much time to answer all their questions. So I just told everybody in my class that someday we will all go to heaven and see God. Then we can ask Him all the questions that we have in our mind. After saying all these, one student just piped in and said, "When?". I just looked at him and laughed and said, "Only God knows."
Love Notes on Valentine's Day

I was going through my stuff, when I saw the all the notes that I got from my students on Valentine's Day this year. I just felt so giddy with joy. I think that it would really be wonderful to have kids of my own and get "love notes' from them everyday.
I am just so excited to having kids of my own coz I wanna bring them up to be the "best" kids ever. I will make them to be the smartest, kindest and godliest kids that ever walked this earth. Hahaha. Being a parent entails a lot of responsibilities. One has to make sure that children are brought up in an environment that will cause them to love God first and foremost. They also have to be given opportunities to develop their God-given potentials. Seems like a lot of work...But I think having children would also be the most fulfilling "job" one could ever have. Just imagine all the hugs and kisses that you could get...All those "i love you's"....Wow, I just can't wait...
But until then, I would just have to be content with the 200+ kids that I have in my life now. What a perfect way to practice motherhood. :-)
God is Good!
I will always choose to be joyful no matter how hard it may be. Because I am certain that my future is secure. His plans are to prosper me, to give me a hope and a future!(Jer. 29:11) When I feel hopeless and down, I remember this song and sing it to lift my spirits:
My life is in your hands
My heart is in your keeping
I'm never without hope
Not when my future is with you.
My life is in your hands
And though I may not see clearly,
I will lift my voice and sing
For your love does amazing things.
Lord, I know, my life is in your hands.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
It's A Simple Life!

Monday, March 26, 2007
Lately, I've been feeling like a schoolgirl having her first "crush". Hahaha... I feel giddy everytime I think of God's love for me. It's nice to be loved. The Father loves me. He knows everything about me and yet He loves me.
I am excited to seek Him more and be intimate with Him. If only I could spend more time with Him. I have to discipline myself to be still in His presence... Learn to just enjoy fellowshipping with Him.
This is the year of seeing all of God's promises starting to happen in my life... I have to let go of the past so that I can move on to the next level. God has a great plan for me. I have a great future...
It's wonderful to be a child of God!!!! He loves me! O what joy it is to know that He knows every detail of my life...and that my future is in His hands!
Thanks for reading my ramblings....