You Are a Visual Learner |
You excel at art, design, and computer programming. You would be an excellent film director - or the next Bill Gates! |
Monday, November 03, 2008
What Kind of Learner Are You?
Nakigaya kay Chique...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A Train Ride to Jakarta (A Lesson on Compassion)
I heard their cries... I was annoyed...
I was in a 12-hour train ride to Jakarta a few days before Hari Raya. I knew from the beginning that choosing to ride the train instead of riding a plane was a big mistake. Why? Because I can't sleep unless I'm lying down comfortably with my arms wrapped around a bolster pillow. But the adventurous side of me won over my practical side. I convinced myself that riding a train would be more challenging. I told myself that this train ride would be special. God knew that it couldn't have been closer to the truth.
The first two hours were not so hard. I left Surabaya at about 5pm so it was hours before my "bedtime". I tried to keep myself busy by reading a book on child-rearing. As it neared the hour for sleeping, I started to feel uneasy. I didn't know how to position myself. I turned to the left, I turned to the right but nothing seemed perfect. Fortunately, the seat beside me was empty. So I could stretch my legs as far as I could. But then, it was not the same as "lying down" so I still couldn't sleep. The constant shaking and "chugging" of the train added to my discomfort.
Around 2 AM, I started to drift off to sleep. It was not the deep, restful sleep that I longed for but still it was sleep. So I was thankful. But about an hour later, it felt like I was dreaming. I heard people shouting and crying... I woke up. It turns out that the train has stopped at one of the stations in Java Island and the voices that I heard were the voices of the vendors peddling their goods.
I heard their cries... I was annoyed...
These people woke me up from the precious sleep that I've been longing for. I was complaining in my heart, thinking terrible things about these people... But then I heard God's still, small voice saying to me, "Listen closely, my daughter". I didn't know what God meant so I just kept quiet. I couldn't figure out what God wanted me to see. I felt deeply bothered in my spirit. After a few minutes, it all became clear...
The cries that I heard were not just the cries of ordinary people peddling their goods. They were the cries of people hungry for life. People who were lost but had no one to guide them. People who were thirsty but had no one to tell them where the fountain of life is. I felt deep conviction in my heart. I felt really convicted...Big time.
I was on my way to Jakarta to visit Mahanaim Foundation. I wanted to learn how to "minister" to people, to learn how to reach out to the lost. But when God put me face to face with the "harvest", my automatic reaction was annoyance, not compassion. I was more concerned about my sleep than I was of these people who were "dying". I felt so ashamed of myself. There was nothing else to do but cry. My heart cried out to God for forgiveness. I asked him to forgive me for being so superficial in my motive to serve. I only chose opportunities of service that were convenient for me. I know that God deliberately woke me up from my sleep to show me that I am daily surrounded with people who are in need of Jesus' love. But most of the time, I don't even give them my attention.
Why are we doing the things that we're doing? Is it because of our love for God or is it because doing them makes us feel better? That simple encounter with the "common people" made me realize that my motives were not always pure. A part of me was serving God not because of my love for Him, but because of my selfish motives. Every day I pray for opportunities to serve Him, and every day He answers my prayer. He daily surrounds me with opportunities to show compassion to people who are in desperate need of the truth... I just don't see them 'cause I am so busy looking out for the seemingly "better" opportunities.
Let's examine our hearts and answer this question every time we do ministry ...
"Why am I doing what I'm doing?"
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wanted: High School English Teacher
Tuban, a township in the island of Java, is in need of an English teacher who will teach in several Secondary Schools within the area. Tuban is about a 3-hour drive from Surabaya, the capital city of East Java. The residents of this area are predominantly muslims so applicants must have a "big heart" to serve the muslims. Applicants should be available to start immediately.
Applications should be sent to . Please include expected salary.
Please forward to anyone who might be interested. Thanks!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Being a Winner!
I guess winning has been quite a usual thing for me lately...heehee...well, actually that's an overstatement. I've won in two contests this month, actually one was a raffle. But the reason why I'm making such a big deal out of this is that all my life, I've only won a prize in a contest once, a general admission ticket for a Gary V concert in Zamboanga, and that was when I was still in high school. But then this month, all of a sudden I was a winner in not just one but in two contests... It really feels great to be a winner.
I was in a Cebu Pacific flight two weeks ago. As usual, there was a "Bring Me" game on board the flight. I usually don't participate in these games coz I am always seated in one of the back rows. And I noticed that people in the back rows don't really get to win any prize. But in this particular flight, I was seated in the second row. So when the game started, I wasn't really excited. But since there was nothing else to do I told myself that I will participate in the game. When the flight attendant asked for the inflight magazine, I raised up my copy not really expecting to win. After scanning the crowd for the winner, the flight attendant motioned to his colleague to give the prize to me. My eyes grew big not being able to believe that I was the winner. (I guess being a teacher, I acquired this habit of exaggerating for dramatic effects.) I was on cloud 9 the whole duration of the flight. I was a winner!
Then, just today on my way to class,one of the school's security guards told me that I had a package. I was confused because I wasn't expecting to receive any package. So I immediately tore the box open and read the cover letter. It turns out that I was one of the winners in Reader's Digests' annual sweepstakes. I vaguely remember joining the sweepstakes 'cause it was last year's raffle. I thought they had the raffle draw several months ago. It turns out that they just had it this July and I was one of the minor winners. I really couldn't believe that I was a winner, maybe not the grand prize winner, but I was still a winner. I was ecstatic. I was a winner!
Well, I've been declaring much about being a winner lately. And God has shown me that I am indeed a winner. These two incidents are just foretastes of what being a winner really is. I am indeed a winner. No matter what people say, no matter what happens, I am still a winner. God has already prepared into my future everything that I need to be a winner. I just have to keep on expecting for the "breakthroughs" to come. Now, I will keep on believing 'cause faith will keep me going. I am a winner! I am a winner!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Prophetic Word for the Philippines
Last weekend, I attended the International Prophetic Conference at the Supermall Convention Center. It was a 3-day event but I only got to attend the last 2 days. On the 3rd day of the conference, Pastor Benaiah of Malaysia gave a prophetic word for the Philippines. There were three points to the word he gave:
1. People should pray for the upcoming Vice-president of the Philippines. He will be like Joseph. We all need to pray for wisdom for him.
2. The Lord will move within the military in a new way. Fellowships will arise in the military. God will do a great thing in the military, something that He has never done before.
3. The construction and service industries will be 2 of the most booming industries in the country. New constructions will arise.
During the night service of the 2nd day, Cindy Jacobs said that a prayer tower will arise in Bora-Bora that will open a gate to the Philippines. She didn't elaborate on the "Philippines part" 'cause she was concentrating on Bora-Bora but I believe that the Philippines will play a great part in bringing revival to this region... to Southeast Asia, to all the countries in Asia. Let's rise up to our destiny! Let's decree all that God has promised for our country.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The Ants
A week before the classes were to end, I got a very special surprise from one of my kindergarten students. One morning, Gavin came up to me very excited. He said, "I have something for you! I have something for you!" Thinking that he's discovered my "addiction", I was hoping to get a bag of chocolates from him. While he was getting that "something" from his bag, I looked at his class teacher and raised my eyebrows silently asking her if she knew what it was. She just giggled and said, "Yes, he has something for you!" Gavin finally came back and gave me that "special something" - ants.
I laughed out loud and lovingly said "thank you" to Gavin. It was so funny, there I was expecting a bag of chocolates but what I got was a plastic of ants, 2 big black ants to be exact. I hugged Gavin and proudly showed the plastic of ants to his classmates. I saw how proud he was of himself. He even offered to explain that those ants were "guard ants". For me it didn't matter what his gift was, the thing that mattered was "his heart" when he gave it to me. I will always treasure Gavin's gift to me.
This made me realize how God must feel for us. He must feel much love for us when we try to do things for Him. He treasures everything that we do even if these things may be very feeble. Most of the time we fail in our endeavors, but I know that He still lovingly looks at us and tells us that He appreciates our efforts. 'Cause He doesn't look at the whats of our efforts but He looks at the whys of our efforts. The only thing that He wants from us is a relationship with Him not our ministry, not our accomplishments, not our worldly successes. He wants all of our heart, not just a part of it but ALL of it. So the next time that we go to God and try to do things for Him, we have to remember that it doesn't matter what we do or whether we succeed or fail 'cause He will always be like a father to us. He will always be proud of us 'cause He knows our hearts.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Completely (from Facing the Giants)
The secret of life is letting go
The secret of love is letting it show
In all that I do
In all that I say
Right here in this moment
The power of prayer is in a humble cry
The power of change is in giving my life
And laying it down
Down at your feet
Right here in this moment
Take my heart
Take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
And let all that is within me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone
This journey of life is a search for truth
This journey of faith is following you
Every step of the way
Through the joy and the pain
Right here in this moment
Right here, right now, and for the rest of my life
Hear me say
I am yours and yours alone
The secret of love is letting it show
In all that I do
In all that I say
Right here in this moment
The power of prayer is in a humble cry
The power of change is in giving my life
And laying it down
Down at your feet
Right here in this moment
Take my heart
Take my soul
I surrender everything to your control
And let all that is within me lift up to you and say
I am yours and yours alone
This journey of life is a search for truth
This journey of faith is following you
Every step of the way
Through the joy and the pain
Right here in this moment
Right here, right now, and for the rest of my life
Hear me say
I am yours and yours alone
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Prince Caspian
(with Irene and Yola at TP Mall)
I've waited for this movie since last year. I finally got to watch it for free last Wednesday, thanks to my school. There were about 200 of us from Mawar Sharon (church and school). Anyway, the movie wasn't what I expected. I expected it to be "grander". But then, it doesn't matter, I still loved it cause it's Narnia. I'm a die-hard Narnia fan. Go, Narnia!!!
I just hated the part where Prince Caspian and Susan kissed. I didn't think it was necessary. The movie would've been better off without it. But then, it's Hollywood, what could we expect. :-(
Anyways, I got three things from the movie:
1. I have to be passionate about what I do. (Reepicheep and his troop)
2. Be proud of my work.(Again, Reepicheep and his troop)
3. Anything that I do, I do it for God! (When they finally figured out what they were fighting for. That it was all for Aslan.)
Hurray for Narnia! Hope they make another Narnia movie. :-)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Abiding...Not Striving (James Hudson Taylor)
Last week, I was reading a book about Hudson Taylor and his wife Maria and a chapter in the book struck me as something so true...and so liberating.

From Chapter 20 of the book "Hudson and Maria, Pioneers of China" by John Pollock.
He (J.H. Taylor) opened and skimmed through letter after letter from the stations, from home, from Shanghai.
He came upon one from John McCarthy, written a day or two after Hudson had left. It was a long letter. He read on and on, attention riveted. "I seem," McCarthy wrote, "as if the first glimmer of the dawn of a glorious day has risen upon me... I seem to have sipped only of that which can fully satisfy." McCarthy had found the secret they sought. Hudson looked at the letter again. "To let my loving Saviour work in me His will...Abiding, not striving or struggling..."
Hudson came to the last paragraph. "Not a striving to have faith, or to increase our faith but a looking at the beautiful one seems all we need. A resting in the loved one entirely, for time, for eternity. It does not appear to me as anything new, only formerly misunderstood."
Hudson was amazed at his own blindness. His eyes opened wide. As in Barnsley twenty years before, as at Brighton four years before, a long inward struggle resolved in a split second. "As I read it, I saw it all. If we believeth not, He abideth faithful. And I looked to Jesus and saw (and when I saw, oh, how joy flowed) that He had said, "I will never leave you." In shorter time than it took to describe afterwards, Hudson grasped that e must not struggle to have the strengthand peach of Christ. "I have striven in vain to abide in Him. I'll strive no more. For has not he promised to abide with me - never to leave me, never to fail me? The effort to 'get it out' was a mistake.
"I am one with Christ," he cried as he explained the glorious discovery to the whole Chinkiang household, hastily gathering them together and reading McCarthy's letter. "It was all a mistake to try and get the fullness out of Him, I am part of Him. Each of us is a limb of His body, a branch of the vine. Oh, think what a wonderful thing it is to be really one with a risen Saviour." And in some such words as he wrote a few weeks later to his sister Amelia in England, he expounded the truth he had missed so long: "Think what it involves! Can Christ be rich and I poor? Can your right hand be rich and your left poor? or you head well fed while your body starves?"
Wow! It's just so amazing to know that God is always there ready to guide us, ready to help us. We just have to abide in Him. He promised never to leave us nor forsake us. It just gets so tiring when we struggle to abide in Him thinking that He abandons us when we are unfaithful, but then we don't have to struggle 'cause He is always there... He will never leave our side. :-) Life in Him is always bountiful 'cause everything that is His is ours too. We have everything that we need to fulfill our destiny, we just need to abide in Him.

From Chapter 20 of the book "Hudson and Maria, Pioneers of China" by John Pollock.
He (J.H. Taylor) opened and skimmed through letter after letter from the stations, from home, from Shanghai.
He came upon one from John McCarthy, written a day or two after Hudson had left. It was a long letter. He read on and on, attention riveted. "I seem," McCarthy wrote, "as if the first glimmer of the dawn of a glorious day has risen upon me... I seem to have sipped only of that which can fully satisfy." McCarthy had found the secret they sought. Hudson looked at the letter again. "To let my loving Saviour work in me His will...Abiding, not striving or struggling..."
Hudson came to the last paragraph. "Not a striving to have faith, or to increase our faith but a looking at the beautiful one seems all we need. A resting in the loved one entirely, for time, for eternity. It does not appear to me as anything new, only formerly misunderstood."
Hudson was amazed at his own blindness. His eyes opened wide. As in Barnsley twenty years before, as at Brighton four years before, a long inward struggle resolved in a split second. "As I read it, I saw it all. If we believeth not, He abideth faithful. And I looked to Jesus and saw (and when I saw, oh, how joy flowed) that He had said, "I will never leave you." In shorter time than it took to describe afterwards, Hudson grasped that e must not struggle to have the strengthand peach of Christ. "I have striven in vain to abide in Him. I'll strive no more. For has not he promised to abide with me - never to leave me, never to fail me? The effort to 'get it out' was a mistake.
"I am one with Christ," he cried as he explained the glorious discovery to the whole Chinkiang household, hastily gathering them together and reading McCarthy's letter. "It was all a mistake to try and get the fullness out of Him, I am part of Him. Each of us is a limb of His body, a branch of the vine. Oh, think what a wonderful thing it is to be really one with a risen Saviour." And in some such words as he wrote a few weeks later to his sister Amelia in England, he expounded the truth he had missed so long: "Think what it involves! Can Christ be rich and I poor? Can your right hand be rich and your left poor? or you head well fed while your body starves?"
Wow! It's just so amazing to know that God is always there ready to guide us, ready to help us. We just have to abide in Him. He promised never to leave us nor forsake us. It just gets so tiring when we struggle to abide in Him thinking that He abandons us when we are unfaithful, but then we don't have to struggle 'cause He is always there... He will never leave our side. :-) Life in Him is always bountiful 'cause everything that is His is ours too. We have everything that we need to fulfill our destiny, we just need to abide in Him.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Shining Like Stars
My friends and I 'stole' this little boy a few days ago. His name's Raka and he seemed so comfortable in our house. Raka is just one of the many kids who play outside our gate every day. Right after moving to the new staff house, I felt a burden for the kids in the neighbourhood. I knew that I can bless them by teaching them English. However, I didn't know who to approach or ask for help about starting the ministry.
Last month, Ms Lina, also a teacher in MSCS, told me that she was planning to start a ministry in our neighbourhood and she was wondering if I could help. Immediately I said yes. I knew that this is an opportunity for me to be a blessing. I was excited. We started our English class 2 weeks ago. The children are always excited, very eager to learn. It is such a joy teaching them. :-) I am so grateful that God has opened the door for me and my friends so we can shine like stars in the darkness.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I met Gibby at a children's revival meeting last week. My friends and I were jumping up and down during praise and worship when he suddenly appeared in front of us and showed us the 'right' moves. I couldn't help but laugh coz he looked so adorable and funny.
I took pictures of him while he was dancing. But he came to me and asked me to erase them coz he said he didnt want me to take pictures of him. He tried to look shy. But then, after a while it didn't really take much prodding to have him pose and smile in front of the camera. :-) I'm glad I met Gibby coz I was reminded that life was just so simple. And there's always lots of reasons to smile.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Humility in Service
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."
Mark 10:45
We had our Easter celebration yesterday and all the students prepared a short presentation. The Kindergarten 1 students presented a skit on Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. It got me thinking about the reason why I am in ministry. I was convicted because most of the time I serve people only because of want of recognition or praise, and not because of love.
A few weeks ago, while reflecting on my life, I realized that I am always eager to please people. I want people to praise me, whether it be from my family, friends, boss, colleagues, pastor, co-workers in the ministry, it's all the same. I want them to praise me for the things that I do. I feel important when I am needed. I draw my value from my achievements, from the approval of men. I am on a spiritual high whenever people are applauding my efforts.
But Jesus came to Earth to save us because He loved us. He didn't need the approval of men because He was secure in the Father's love. He served people because He loved them and not because He wanted them to like Him. That is what I'm trying to do now, learning to serve like Jesus. I have a long way to go but at least I'm trying . :-)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Some thoughts on Valentine's Day :-)
It's Valentine's Day and I got 3 candies from a boy. Isn't it exciting! I got myself a Valentine... It's just that this boy is just about 4 ft tall and he's way younger than me. Hahaha. :-)
This morning I asked my Kindergarten students to watch a video about perseverance. As they were going in to the computer room (which we also use as a video room), I quickly reminded them that they were to get a chair right away and sit quietly while I prepare some stuff. While most of the kids said 'yes' without a fuss, I noticed a kid not paying attention to what I was saying as he was busy getting something out of his pocket. I was about to reprimand him for not paying attention when he suddenly reached out his hand and said, "for you".
I was speechless for a moment 'cause I saw in his right hand some of the candies that he got from the Heart Pinata. I was teary-eyed seeing that I was the recipient of such selfless giving, and to think that I was just 1 second away from reprimanding him. I felt like I didn't deserve it. He was supposed to keep all of it for himself just like what any other kid would normally do. But then he decided to give some of it to me. It was just so sweet. :-D
I was then reminded of God's love for me. Every day he shows me how much he loves me but then I'm too busy to notice. I'm so preoccupied with a lot of things that I deem to be much more important than intimacy with Him. I'm too busy to hear Him telling me how much He loves me, too busy to see that He has given everything to me.
Oh that I would always see
God's great love for me.
In big things or in small,
I will always listen when He calls.
Oh that I would always be His friend,
and run with Him 'til the end.
O how I love you, Lord!
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Intimacy with God
God has been so patient with me. I've been telling Him that I will spend more time with Him in devotional prayer but I keep on delaying. I always say that I will do it tomorrow. But the tomorrows were just piling up and I still haven't fulfilled my promise to him.
As a teacher, I emphatically tell my students that they have to learn to pray and read the Bible on a daily basis. One day as I was getting ready for class, I just felt so empty. It was like all my strength was sucked out of me. I saw a picture of me teaching and as I was talking 'something' was pulling things out of my spirit. Then I realized that every time I teach, there is something that I give away in the spiritual. I remember when I was in college a pastor in my church said, "you can't give what you don't have". I knew that I just had to repent. I felt so tired and it was all because I kept on giving when there was very little in me. I was so busy looking for ways to serve Him when all He wanted was for me to seek intimacy with Him.
As a teacher, I emphatically tell my students that they have to learn to pray and read the Bible on a daily basis. One day as I was getting ready for class, I just felt so empty. It was like all my strength was sucked out of me. I saw a picture of me teaching and as I was talking 'something' was pulling things out of my spirit. Then I realized that every time I teach, there is something that I give away in the spiritual. I remember when I was in college a pastor in my church said, "you can't give what you don't have". I knew that I just had to repent. I felt so tired and it was all because I kept on giving when there was very little in me. I was so busy looking for ways to serve Him when all He wanted was for me to seek intimacy with Him.
I praise God for His great mercy. 'Though I am unfaithful, He's still faithful. I fail Him many times but He patiently waits for me to rise up and start anew.
The prayer below is from Passion for Jesus by Mike Bickle. I made it to be my personal prayer as I long to know Him intimately.
O Lord, we have seen just a little bit of Your splendor and majesty. The beauty of who You are and what You do is capturing our hearts like a lovely, irresistible fragrance. From this point on I want my life to be one unbroken journey of progression in holy passion. Draw me, Lord. Draw me to your glorious self. I don't want to be at a distance. I want you, no matter what it costs me. Draw me Jesus, and I will run after you! Amen!
The prayer below is from Passion for Jesus by Mike Bickle. I made it to be my personal prayer as I long to know Him intimately.
O Lord, we have seen just a little bit of Your splendor and majesty. The beauty of who You are and what You do is capturing our hearts like a lovely, irresistible fragrance. From this point on I want my life to be one unbroken journey of progression in holy passion. Draw me, Lord. Draw me to your glorious self. I don't want to be at a distance. I want you, no matter what it costs me. Draw me Jesus, and I will run after you! Amen!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
A Blog to Commemorate UP's Centennial Celebration

On the night of my 16th birthday, I was ready to leave for Dumaguete to apply for college in Silliman University. I was all set, all my bags were packed. Amazingly, I heed my father's advice and decided to go to UP instead. For months, he's been asking me to choose UP instead of Silliman. He said that it would be better for me to attend college there. I kept on saying no because I felt like Quezon City seemed so far away. But I don't know what came over me that night coz I said "yes". And I'm glad I did! My UP days were some of the best days of my life!
I met a lot of great people in UP! I learned a lot of things in UP! I grew closer to God in UP! UP is the best!!!
Here is a blog to commemorate my alma mater's centennial year.
1. ANO'NG STUDENT NUMBER MO? >> 95-48521 (alala ko pa!)
2. ANO ANG FIRST CHOICE MO NA COURSE?>> BAA...Gusto kong yumaman... :) Kaso di ako nakapasa
5. NAG-SHIFT KA BA? >> Yes
6. SAAN KA NAG UPCAT? >> WMSU, Zamboanga City
7. NAKAPAG-DORM KA BA? >> Yes, Kalayaan and Kamia and tabi ng Yakal :-)
8. NAKA UNO KA BA? >> Yes.
9. NAG-KA 3 KA NA BA? >> Yes - Chemistry
10. LAGI KA BANG PUMAPASOK SA KLASE? >> No! Lalo na pag 7 ang class.
11. MAY SCHOLARSHIP KA BA? >> STFAP for some sems. 12. ILANG UNITS NA ANG NAIPASA MO? NAGING CS OR US KA BA?>> All of them. Hindi ako naging CS or US.
13. NANGARAP KA BA NA MAG-CUM LAUDE? >> Minsan nangarap din.
14. FAVE PROF >> Madami...Nat Sci 2 Geo Prof (forgot his name), Prof Guggenheim, Prof Tingzon, Prof Tumacruz
15. WORST TEACHER: >> History Professor, can't remember his name
17. WORST SUBJECT: >> PE - Defense for Women -- lagi ako pasa-pasa and I had to wake up really early
18. FAVE BUILDING: >> The main lib.
19. PABORITONG KAINAN: >> Beach House, sarap ng bbq!
21. LAGI KA BA SA LIBRARY? >> Yes!!!
23. MAY CRUSH KA BA SA CAMPUS?>> Yeah… madami… 24. ANU-ANO ANG MGA NAGING PE MO? >> Table Tennis, Camping, Defense for Women and Bowling
25. KAMUSTA NAMAN ANG BLOCK NYO? SINO UNA MONG NAKILALA?>> Masaya ang block namin. Sheryl Mercado was in Kalayaan dorm so I usually went to class with her.
26. MEMORIZE MO BA ANG ALMA MATER SONG NIYO?>> UP naming mahal… pamantasang hirang... Hindi ko na-memorize :)
27. SUMALI KA BA SA MGA RALLY?>> I joined the EDSA 2 rally pero naka-graduate na yata ako nun.
28. KUMUHA KA BA NG SATURDAY CLASSES? >> Yes. No choice. Most of the major subjects in HRA were only on Saturdays.
29. ANO ANG ORG/FRAT/SOROROTY MO? >> UP VCF, UP Navs, UP DCF, UP Jambangan, Applicant sa UP SHARP :)
>> Super!!! Ang saya!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Prophecy for the Philippines by Cindy Jacobs
Got this from Jenny Caspe's Multiply site... Inspires me to continue to pray for the Philippines.
Go, Philippines!
Go, Philippines!
Friday, January 04, 2008
Lego City
When I was in Jakarta, I visited Lego City in Senayan. It looked really nice. From a distance, one wouldn't think that everything was just lego. There were tall buildings, boats, planes, trains, cars... I was just amazed at the creativity. But then, the God who created the Earth is the essence of creativity. So it's no wonder that the people He created are very creative.
December 2007
December was really action-packed for me. Maybe it was some sort of a catching up as it was the last month of the year. Here are some pictures...
"Extraordinary Light" was Kids on Fire's theme for the Christmas program this year. It was a simple presentation showing all the kids how they could be "light" among their friends.

I got to join Mawar Sharon's Aksi Natal activity with the Pasukan Kuning (Surabaya's garbage collectors). It was such a blessed time to see the smiles on their faces as this was the first time that they were appreciated for their role in the community.
I declared myself to be Pak Tony's and Ibu Mei's youngest daughter. But Maria and Monic always protest, they say I should be Jie-jie. But then, I say that it doesn't seem to show. :) This photo was taken during MSI's Christmas Service on Decemeber 23.

A day after Christmas, I visited an orphanage in Mojokerto along with some other teachers from school. It was simple a celebration of sharing and remembering God's goodness in our lives. These 2 girls show what joy and contentment is. They were so happy even with just a simple meal of rice and fried chicken. We have so much to learn from children. :)
With Riri and Reni at the school's Christmas lunch at Majapahit hotel. We had a great time eating dimsums. After lunch, each level gave a short presentation. It was simple but meaningful.
Indonesia has a rich cultural heritage. It's a blessing to be able to live here.
I got to join Mawar Sharon's Aksi Natal activity with the Pasukan Kuning (Surabaya's garbage collectors). It was such a blessed time to see the smiles on their faces as this was the first time that they were appreciated for their role in the community.
Learning by doing - that'
exactly what the kids did when they had their field trip at Papa Ron's. We all got to see how pizza was made and everyone got the chance to make a pizza. And of course, the best part was the eating part! Yummm....
(Daniel Class with its own rendition of "O Holy Night!")
Christmas was a time of remebering all of God's goodness in my life. I've seen His faithfulness throughout the whole year. I just want to thank God for loving me that He gave Jesus to die for me. I can never thank Him enough!
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